| 1. | On the emotional quality of mr . wang zeng - qi ' s novels 论汪曾祺小说创作的情感品质 |
| 2. | On the development of wang zeng - qi ' s fiction creation 汪曾祺小说创作演进初探 |
| 3. | On che - khov ' s influence on wang zeng - qi ' s creation 论契诃夫对汪曾祺小说创作的影响 |
| 4. | Analyses the tragedy concept of wang zeng - qi ' s novel 汪曾祺小说悲剧意识解读 |
| 5. | Folk songs in the novels of shen cong wen and wang zeng qi 沈从文汪曾祺小说里的民歌 |
| 6. | True feelings and literary peculiarities of wang zeng - qi ' s novels 汪曾祺小说的真与奇 |
| 7. | On wang zeng - qi ' s genre painting novel ' s content implication 浅论汪曾祺风俗画小说的思想内容 |
| 8. | A landscape of sentiment - on the beauty of sentiment of wang zeng - qi ' s novel 论汪曾祺小说的情趣美 |
| 9. | Consciousness 183 ; thickness 183 ; tension - on discourse of wang zeng - qi ' s prose 论汪曾祺散文话语形式 |
| 10. | On aesthetic aspects in wang zeng - qi ' s quot; customary painting quot; novels 汪曾祺童年经验对小说创作的影响 |